Find Medical Doctors who support Alternative Medicine
Just found this site and it allowed me to locate a doctor within 15 minutes of my home who is an MD but also uses alternative therapies and integrative treatment. ACAM You put in your zip code to find doctors…
A Must Read Web Site
A friend sent this link to me and I would consider it a MUST read for anyone fighting cancer. The author battled his own brain cancer and discovered for himself what worked and what he discovered while on the…
The Artemisinin Experiment
After reading much about this and getting recent reports on promising studies from the University of Washington researchers I decided to try taking this. The current bedtime regimen is as follows : Artemisinin ( from Nutricology) 100mgFerrous Sulfate (65mg)Flax Oil…
The AMAS Blood Test process
I received my AMAS blood test kit on Monday from Oncolab. The processing of the blood is fairly complicated, with a requirement to cool the sample to 4 degrees Celsius for an hour and then centrifuge it for 15 minutes,…
Encouraging quote regarding the MRI test
This is from an article entitled MRI successfully gauges breast cancer treatment response ——————————————————————————————– Chemotherapy is designed to diminish tumor size and reduce the number of blood vessels feeding the tumor. The study, conducted at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts…
What every woman should know about breast cancer
Here are some quotes from an article on NewsTarget – an interview with Dr Christine Homer about her book on breast cancer: ———————————————————————————————Not surprisingly, the American diet and lifestyle is a recipe for breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer and…
The Health Shake
As promised I wanted to put up some information on the health shake that I take each morning using my super duper VitaMix blender (wayyy expensive but then again so is surgery/chemo and radiation treatment) The general daily ingredients are…
Next steps in the plan
I have several items on the to-do list in my detoxification and monitoring plan and they are: Colon Hydrotherapy – this afternoon will be my first one! New CBC Blood Test AMAS Blood Test (when I FINALLY receive the KIT!)…
Links and Resources
Here are some links to useful information that I have found in my hours of research: News Target – Favorite place for up to the minute alternative health info – This is a great site to search for known…
The second MRI
The second MRI was done on August 25th and I received the report later that day that the lump was LARGER. I had given them my prior MRI cd as well as my various lab reports so they knew the…